Description: Medical and food-processing plasma reactors
We refer to several European patent applications, such as Nr. 05447221.2 / EP O5447221 dated October 3, 2005, introduced by the same inventor, and to recent PCT applications.
In above mentioned patent application an extensive description and several claims were made related to new plasma reactors.
This new patent-application contains many of the basic ideas disclosed and claimed in EP 05447221 – and following – in more detailed way or in variations. There are also methods described which were not disclosed in the previous patent applications. This invention relates to medical applications and processing of food and beverages, and living bodies by plasma reactors, which can be just static concepts in which all atomic and molecular conditions are present to create a continuous process of interactions, currents and internal motion. But for medical applications and food/beverage processing also dynamic plasma reactors can be used, where external motion is expressed.
In a reactor-embodiment a set of interactions – called initial dynamic process – is created where atomic hydrogen is generated without mechanical motion, and after this first interactions a second chain of energetic events is created via a active or passive magnetic initiation of a basic ionization of a gas (i.e. hydrogen) or other matters, which then triggers a controllable chain of energy transfers (so called scintillation) to the next following layer(s) of introduced gasses (i.e. He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) and all other introduced elements of the periodic table (i.e. Li, Be, K, Ca, Ti, …Pt, etc.) and/or their introduced molecule combinations (i.e. vapor).
In the plasma reactors claimed in this patent application the framework or holding structure can have one or more internal chambers – connected or fully separated – and/or channels.
General remark on plasma’s.
An important misconception in the academic world is that plasma can only have high temperatures. In example Wikipedia says: ”Temperature controls the degree of plasma ionization. In particular, plasma ionization is determined by the electron temperature relative to the ionization energy (and more weakly by the density) in accordance with the Saha equation. A plasma is sometimes referred to as being hot if it is nearly fully ionized, or cold if only a small fraction (for example 1%) of the gas molecules are ionized (but other definitions of the terms hot plasma and cold plasma are common). Even in a „cold” plasma the electron temperature is still typically several thousand degrees. Plasmas utilized in plasma technology („technological plasmas”) are usually cold in this sense.”
In addition, but unknown in prior art, today plasma’s can also be created at room temperature or below, and at normal atmospheric pressure or below. As we have show in our simple reactors, like a cola bottle, a lunch box and a photo-film container. These plasma reactors deliver voltage and current, and can simultaneously separate carbon from the plastic of the bottle and deposit this carbon on copper electrodes under the form of atomic carbon (sp2 and sp3).
Nor we see the correct approach in patent-applications by other inventors. All patents and patent-applications miss an essential key to create and manage plasma’s, namely that in the correct combination of materials and their contact with radiation sources magnetic fields can be created without initial triggering by heat, magnets, electric pulses, positioning in layers, motion. We show and prove this in our working prototypes, like the static cola bottle (Fig. 11), which produces AND electricity, AND separates materials at atomic level.
Thus in examining any prior art one must keep above mentioned misconception in mind.
Prior Art.
Prior art shows in general the tendency to reproduce the conditions and processes in the Sun, like extreme heat, and most concepts refer to tori-shaped devices with magnetic confinement, like in patents: US 4363775 (Bussard), US 4367193 (Bussard) and 4363776 (Yamanda et Al).
The processes described by Mills (US2004/0247522A1 dd Dec 9, 2004) are initiated by laser and [0768] describes “ … a chemically generated plasma”. Further, claim 5 stipulates in §3. “a source of atomic hydrogen”. Non of these three specifications is used in our approach, since no laser is used, our process to create hydrogen is atomic, and not chemical, and we don’t use a initial source of atomic hydrogen because the atomic hydrogen is generate by itself during the process. Therefore claim 5 and all claims dependent from claim 5 are not to be considered prior art. Further our reactors can start in a complete immobile set-up without any triggering system, and all are able to self-generate plasma’s. Mills’ system is not fit for such. Therefore the fundament approach of Mill’s is different from ours.
In the description – but not in the claims – of WO 02/05292 A2, Yensen describes a apparatus and assembly for heating and compression of plasma, ions, to overcome the Coulomb repulsion) and to fuse into heavier element(s), and describes that this can be realized by the use of a plasma generator, a pump to circulate fluid, a plasma separator (14 and 22 of Fig. 1), etc. Pag 13, Line 39 – 43 explains that a starting temperature of 25,273 K is needed! The fluid (Mercury or an electrically conductive fluid) is essential because – Yensen assumes – it will hold the plasma “bubbles” (from 2mm to 10 mm diameter) which are later compressed. Further it is important to notice that the ionization doesn’t happens in a reactor but in a pre-preparatory set-up the whole patent application does not mention fission, since the object is to create heavier element(s). However, in none of the broad independent claims the apparatus (itself) is described, where the claims should “claim” at least one embodiment or assembly.
There is no resemblance of all of that patent application with ours.
US 4,428,193 (Papp) describes a very complex mechanical apparatus using compression caused by mechanical piston(s) (claim 1, §2) and a plurality of coils to create magnetic fields, and other means like filters, ray tubes, a polarizer, ionizers, supplies for electrical current to ionizing means, etc. This apparatus or engine through heat excites adjacent helium to create a plasma (Column 11, line 53 – line 54). Papp isolates the helium first by other layers, and secondly from the walls by the use of a modest vacuum caused by coils and by the movement of the piston. In column 13, line 5 – 7 Papp describes his way how the gasses are caused to circulate in the cylinder by the change of polarity of the coils, our way is different since no coils are claimed. To Papp this is essential, so this is no prior art. Further Papp describes in column 13, line 25 – 27 that he needs to energize the top and bottom coil to produce two separate fields, where no coils are used in our approach. In our case the separation between layers of inert gasses – in the case where we use rotating reactors – is mainly provoked by self-generation of plasmatic magnetic energy fields between those layers or by introducing small amounts of specific materials, like atomic metallic vapor, between the layers of inert gasses which enhance the plasmatic magnetic energy fields.
The Papp concept is totally different from our reactors, since in our reactors the introduced materials already create initial plasma(‘s) by themselves – like by self-generating radioactive isotopes – or by triggering separate radioactive source(s) in the reactor or in the introduced materials.
In US 2003/0002611 A1 (Greatbatch) claim 1 described an electrostatic fusion reactor with a potential well, which is surrounded by one or more collector cages. Paragraph 15 specifies clearly that this reactor is especially adapted for 3He reactions, and includes two concentric high-voltage spherical grids, where the outer grids is grounded and the inner grid can held at a high negative DC voltage. Paragraph 18 specifies that the “potential well” is formed by either a spherical grid anode or a virtual anode, and cages are added around the well to “slow down the speeding protons”. Paragraph 24 specifies that the grid is made by wire material (like tungsten), and paragraph 26 explains that the reactor output energy is in the form of high-velocity protons, that must be converted in electrons by a cage. We do not use cages, nor grids. Paragraph 32 points out that an outside voltage source of –200Kv is needed which is lead to the center, which is not in our case since we don’t use an initial electrical source in the center of the reactor. Since paragraph 57 refers to totally different concept it is not to be considered prior art, even other materials then 3He could be implemented. Independent claims 1, 11 and 12 all mention either a grid and/or a potential well, which are not used in our system(s), therefore also all dependent claims are not relevant.
In US 4,831,627 of J.L. Campbell uses fixed magnets to create magnetic fields, where in our approach internal interaction processes of the materials create the plasmatic magnetic fields, which themselves lead to further processes of fusion, fission and fusion/fission (called semi-fusion). Our materials don’t need to be “injected” like in Campbell’s patent but can enter the reactor embodiment by non-pressurized ports. Campbell claims in claim 1 and 12 to use “gas molecules” thus combined atoms. If we use gasses, these are at atomic level. His claim 1 (d) clearly identifies that the cause of colliding are magnetic fields created by said annular magnet – which is positioned on the walls – and by said magnetic means. In our approach the elements inside the reactor create plasmatic magnetic fields themselves due to their interactions between themselves due to the use of principles like scintillation and ionization and creation of independent magnetic fields, which never has been achieved in prior art, neither has even been mentioned. We have proven this principle of self-generation of PMEF in our static and dynamic prototype cores (Image cola bottle reactor). In a simple cola bottle we show the origin of creation of energy through creation of plasma where – as Fig 12 and 13 shows – power is generated in the plasma, demonstrated by two electrodes that are totally in the pure plasmatic environment (above the liquid). At the same time we demonstrate in the same core that energy is created primly through ionization at the atomic level, at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure, which has never been achieved in prior art. Where the process for the creation of atomic hydrogen necessary for ionization and matters needed for production of magnetic fields are done through a continuous process of fusion, fission and what we call a semi-fusion state. However in dependent claims we disclose that additionally we can add a number of technical features which will enhance the outcome, or speed up the process.
In the paper titled „The Atom” (by MT Keshe), where, the fundamental method of the creation and development of components of any matter is explained, where it is said about the simplicity of creation of an atom: „The universe is made of energies and not matters. Where, atoms are created in the cold conditions in the weakest magnetic strength fields regions of a system (like galaxies), and totally in opposite point, where molecules and matters are created out of collection of the same atoms, in relative strong and condense magnetic fields regions of the systems. How these energies originally interact, and how the lower base energy levels come together to guarantee their existence, decides what it appears as different parts of the atom”.
The general hypothesis is that for the creation of matters neither needs excess temperature, nor extreme pressure, but all matters characteristics can be reached by altering the fundamental plasmatic magnetic energy (PME) of Specific Entangled Plasmatic Magnetic Fields (SEPMAF). Where SEPMAF’s are what we call today in physics; initial parts of fundamentals of particles and atoms. Protons, neutrons and electrons are collections of SEPMAF’s which their magnetic fields have a specific structural magnetic entanglement, for example as the double plasmatic magnetic structure.
Each type of SEPMAF’s has a proper strength and magnetic structure. These basic plasmatic magnetic entanglements have a loose binding character, and not a fixed single magnetic field as in solid magnets.
That loose plasmatic magnetic binding of a SEPMAF may be altered by the presence, characteristics and behavior of other SEPMAF’s, namely by their plasmatic magnetic strength and structure, and by their position and motion. The strength of SEPMAF’s of the same type can alter within certain limits, thus their structure is dynamic.
In other words: Under the right conditions – like minimal distance – these SEPMAF’s interact and can influence each other in several ways, in example like; one or more SEPMAF’s can have a change in the plasmatic magnetic field structure; one or both of the SEPMAF’s can disentangle; SEPMAF’s can reposition between each other or change position in the surrounding fields.
When SEPMAF’s are in motion they will be influenced by the SEPMAF’s, which they pass and come into.
As such the „Atom” is a combination of several types of SEPMAF’s, and molecules are more complex SEPMAF’s.
The physical interactions between SEPMAF’s are one of repeated states of balance or unbalance. To the observer this flux of magnetic changes means property changes of the atoms and of the molecules.
Once we understand these basic plasmatic magnetic interactions in the building elements which compose matters, like molecules, we are able to change all properties of matters, and atoms, by using, in the correct way plasmatic magnetic fields provided by the SEPMAF’s themselves and by additional magnetic and/or electromagnetic sources, in solid or liquid form, which are in fact more complex SEPMAF’s themselves too.
This means that such processing happens in a smooth way on the fundamental magnetic level, and not by brute forces, like in reactors, which need high temperature and high pressure conditions.
By repeated experiments and tests in simple reactors, working at room temperature and at atmospheric pressure, we have evidence – which is confirmed – that this type of processing is very feasible and reliable and are normal daily occurrence in the world of physics, if and only if the correct conditions are present.
We have now indications – through static and dynamic tests in our reactors – that the Universe was made in normal condition of cosmos, which was originally nothing but packages of plasmatic magnetic fields of different strength, which these packages were themselves nothing but area’s of plasma or collections of loose magnetic fields energies. Where magnetic fields of different strength in-locking to each other, by principle of their plasmatic magnetic energy (PME), have caused in the first stage the creation of fundamental particles, secondly atoms, then molecules and then matter, clouds and asteroids and then stars and galaxy’s”.
The interaction and accumulation of the plasmatic magnetic energies usually leads to creation of energy, heat and/or of motion of their given atomic structure in the inner sanctum of the each atom (and molecule), which finally leads to creation of all sorts of matters in the cosmos.
In the universal order, binding energy of a nucleus of matter is lost through plasmatic magnetic energy losses.
That is to say, in a solid magnet, the magnetic energy of the matter is permanent according to realignment of electrons within the materials of the magnet and can not be altered by its use, but in the plasmatic magnetic energy in the nucleus of an atom this is not so. There the magnetic energy in plasmatic state which can be transferred from one level of an atom to another level, or commonly from one atom to another, independent of temperature and pressure.
A vacuum condition may enhance or facilitate the condition of such transfer of plasmatic magnetic energy in ambient condition in a simple plasma structure environment.
By use of the new understanding of creation of matters and the real relationship between all elements and their connection and transfer of energy in simple way, and not necessarily in the complicated chemical and biochemical reactions and connections, we predict that atomic plasmatic magnetic energy of any element can be replicated, where after separation of atoms from composite matter then the same atoms can be re-accumulated on a given position and in a specific place.
„It is important to note that, in an atom „the interaction between the two plasmatic magnetic fields of neutrons and protons, is in fact the creator of the double magnetic field of the atom and consequently is the creator of the gravitational field of the whole atom (very much like the double magnetic field created in the center of the Earth, as explained in the paper „The creation of Gravity”).
Where the magnetic energy of the nuclease can be increased, up to a limit without disintegration of their inner gravitational forces of its constituent (like neutron and proton plasma magnetic energies) for it to attain the plasmatic magnetic energy of higher element”.
Confirmation by experiments and tests with Carbon.
The above given new insights of plasmatic magnetic energies in SEPMAF’s provides a new approach in the control of matters within a closed environments like so called reactor with which the correct conditions can be created and maintained in. For example, in our reactors we have the separation of matters like carbon and hydrogen where separation is achieved by separating these atomically from their original composites, and then selectively collected in a given area as atomic hydrogen for energy production and/or deposited as carbon on predetermined surfaces for production of new materials like graphene or glassy carbon.
By using this simple method in a simple reactor, the carbon atoms are deliberately, as it is done in cosmos, separated from their constituent composite materials, and then recollected on elements, which are specifically positioned and placed in the reactor.
For simplicity and confirmation of the proof of concept, a Cola bottle (50cl) was used as a reactor, at room temperature and pressure, without the use of any external means or effects. Inside an electromagnetic wave source was mounted inside and the bottle was filled with a composed liquid and then closed.
After a one hour the first black deposits of carbon were noticed. After five hours the electrodes, which were positioned above the liquid, were completely black. Parts of the electrodes positioned inside the liquid were not covered with carbon deposits. The carbon atoms and carbon walls – several hundreds of atomic layers thick – were collected on the electrodes in this simple reactor, and a sample was tested and confirmed by Raman spectroscopy to be containing atomic carbon cluster known as graphene (sp2) and probably sp3 which according to report could be hidden beneath the SP2 layer and clear layers of glassy carbon on the poles of the electrodes.
This examined electrode shows several sp2 layers on top of each other. The reason is that we used the tested sample previously for several different loadings and several carbon extractions from several materials. The tested electrode was just picked randomly from some 30 or 40 pieces.
Through the same principle, then a 27 electrodes reactor (a lunch box – Fig. 8 and 9) was used to produce in larger quantities the same atomic carbon, and atomic sp3 (three dimensional carbon, known as diamond) was collected. Further it was found that glassy carbon was simultaneous produced in the reactor, which has been confirmed in the Raman spectroscopy report. In this lunch-box reactor also copper-oxide and several other oxide like nickel and composite material were created and deposited on the surface of the electrodes which were submerged in the liquid.
By principles of physics and by new understanding of connection of matters and applying this the relationship in a reactor and not a chemical interaction between different atoms in a composite, it becomes very easy to disintegrate composite matters like carbon and iron, and then deposit the carbon, which changes to gas in atomic level on to a given surface.
From the point of disassociation from iron atoms’, the carbon automatically recombines with oxygen in its environment creating CO2 by use of additional plasmatic electromagnetic source, which this is disintegrated to carbon and oxygen and then the carbon can be attracted and deposited on to a pre-designated surface.
In our tests, carbon atoms are extracted from CO2 gas, plastic, metals and composites.
In these tests we use a mixture of hydrogen liquid as the mediator, an electromagnetic wave source, and copper electrodes as the collector.
It has to be made clear that the carbon was only collected and deposited on the electrodes, which where not placed in the liquid, this proving the clear plasmatic transfer of the carbon from the liquid and the carbon content of the container which included a PET-plastic cola bottle (Image 2), containing in its molecular structure, carbon.
By the same measure it has to be said that there were no carbon deposits on the electrodes which were submerged in the liquid, this confirming that there has never been any catalysis process present in this technology, which carbon or other matters could be transferred from one element to the other as in plating system.
It is important to note that the mediator in the reactor is not acids and bases either, that can cause chemical reaction needed for catalytic process.
In the universe acids are composites of further inter-compositions of atoms, and atoms are created long before any acids are created.
At the same time when the bottle were emptied and then refilled, the deposition of the graphene is instantaneous and covers all elements even the ones which are going to be submerged in the same process.
We have created several reactors for the proof of this concept. Fig. 4 and 5 shows a plastic photo film container is used to create a 1.5 volts DC and 1.2 Ac voltage simultaneously from 4 terminals.
Difference between normal magnetic fields and plasmatic magnetic energy fields.
To fully understand our approach it is important to grasp the difference between normal magnetic fields (NMF) and plasmatic magnetic energy fields (PMEF). A PMEF can be defined as the magnetic energy which is already possessed by the plasma and it is inherent in the construction of any atom. All atoms are collections of specific entangled plasmatic magnetic fields (SEPMAF), thus all atoms and molecules also posses SEPMAF’s, and have more complex combinations of such PMEF. Also electrons are SEPMAF’s , but certain other SEPMAF’s can have identical of similar magnetic energy strength to electrons without being electrons themselves. The consequence of this is, in example, that when two nuclei approach each other, a fragment of their PMEF be released and such smaller PMEF can reposition and act as being an electron.
Some interesting remarks are made by Nobel Prize laureate Wilczek related to the strange background processes in the quantum mechanical concepts. To Frank Wilzcek (arXiv:physics/0511067-v2, dd 11 Nov 2005) “In modern quantum mechanics, an electron is no longer described as a particle in orbit. Rather, it is described by a vibrating wave pattern in all space … In Schrödinger’s account light is emitted or absorbed when the electron’s vibrations set the electromagnetic field – aether, if you like – in motion, by the same sort of sympathetic vibration that leads to the emission of sound by musical instruments, when their vibrations set air in motion. These regular, continuous processes replace the mysterious “quantum jumps” from one orbit to another that were assumed, but not explained, in Bohr’s model. … So the notion of using protons and neutrons as elementary building blocks, bound together by forces you would just go ahead and measure, became untenable.” And: “Asymptotic freedom says that an energetic quark (or antiquark or gluon) will frequently emit soft radiation, which does not significantly change the overall flow of energy and momentum; but only rarely emit hard radiation, which does produce changes in the flow.” And: “We know from many experiments that electrons and positrons have no significant internal structure, so there’s no question that when we make these collisions we really are doing the same thing over and over again.”, and further: “ …what we perceive as empty space is in reality a highly structured and vibrant dynamical medium.”
Where Wilczek claims that protons and neutrons are composed of quarks and gluons, in our almost similar understanding, we see that there are several complex SEPMAF’s which PMEF’s are loose interlocked, and thus where the energy generated by the plasma is much greater than energy provoked by much smaller electrons, hence a more powerful energy source magnetic field can be attained from the dynamic plasma. This is the method behind our simple power production in the reactors where we use plasma at room temperature and room pressure. Then creating ionization and vast amount of energy is possible without needing to have in advance vast amount of energy to create ionization.
Related to the generation of energy, the interaction of two such PMEF will lead to the release of fragmentation in the form of smaller PMEF, where the accumulated energies from these fragmentations can reach the energy level equal to the energy of electron charge (13.2 eV), but not being an electron itself, which the motion of these electric charges within the dynamic core once extracted through the walls or through electrodes from the embodiment, can lead to generation of current. In the Fig. 14 we show in a graph the outcome and this accumulation in mV and mA between several electrodes of a simple static cola-bottle reactor.
In relation to the production of matter, by introducing in the reactor embodiment specific materials, be it gasses, matters or plasma’s – which all have their specific PMEF’s , one or both PMEF of an element will have a passive or active effect on other PMEF’s in the reactor. So that they can attract and/or repel away from their position. For them to create a temporary state of fission of atoms from their combined atomic structure – with or without a use of a additional plasmatic magnetic energy source – and for a condition to be created in the reactor embodiment for atoms to create a state of cold fusion condition, for the matter to absorb energy in a plasmatic magnetic level for it to create a temporary semi-fusion state for the atom for it be able to reconstruct itself in atomic level and to be relocated individually or as a collection of atoms or as a atomic layer on a given predetermined position. Where the energy for diffusion is through additional source allowing the liberation of the atom or diffusion of matter in atomic level, leading to liberation of matter in atomic level.
Evidence for this is given in static prototypes like the cola bottle reactors and in a simple lunch-box plasma rector (Fig. 8 and 9) where separation at atomic level happens, at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure, where these dynamic released atomic matters can lead to creation of energy in electrovolt levels.
By the appropriate choice of materials, where the conditions through creation of vacuum and scintillation by the use of radioactive source(s) and inert gasses, will lead to the creation and release of EUV waves, which in interaction with the hydrogen created through semi-fusion condition process, will lead to creation of positively charged plasma – which is dynamic -, which in turn this with interaction with the metallic or semi-metallic materials in the atomic and molecular level, or the atomic metallic conditions, in plasma within the core will create the necessary plasmatic magnetic field within any confined position within the core. Where the interaction of such two fields will be created at the atomic or molecular level, which although these could be of the similar magnetic field strength, and partitioned within the core, where due to the physical partition and dynamic characteristics of the core, the unattainable interlocking of the two PME will create the condition for the rotation of the partition wall between the two fields, which this rotation of the partition wall will guarantee the centrifugal or rotative condition, or motional (by hand motion), necessary for the materials on both side of the partition wall in maintaining dynamic rotative characteristics of both PMEF’s, which in turn guarantees the creation and control of both of the MPEF on both sides of the partition wall, which the interaction between these two fields will lead to the creation of a superimposed double magnetic field method necessary for the creation of gravitational and spherical magnetic field around the reactor embodiment .
Where in specific conditions one single dynamic plasmatic magnetic energy field will be sufficient to create gravitational and anti-gravitational conditions necessary for motion in respect to a second independent outside gravitational magnetic field force. Between both will be then a double attractive and repulsive relationship, and depending from programmable positioning one will be stronger than the other.
We explain how to release an atom by using matter in conjunction with any type of radioactive materials for the creation of positive plasma ionization, where by the motion of the charged matter within a metallic or semi-metallic matter, or within imposed atomic metallic conditions we create the essential magnetic field conditions necessary for the creation of gravity.
An other aspect are mediators and the facilitators among said materials, where the mediators are the elements which allow the facilitators to reach, be kept, be available or to be transported to and/or at a certain point in the core, where the facilitators can deliver their energy or carry out their functions in that specific point or area, and where the facilitators are the particles, plasma’s, atoms and molecules which carry or can absorb or can deliver the release of plasmatic magnetic field of materials within the confinement of the said embodiment, where the fascillators are the materials which accommodate the transfer of energy between the recipient and/or the donor plasmatic magnetic energies, which are/can be used within the system.
In the light of the above mentioned approach and collected evidence we claim several methods and type of reactors.
Application for medical use and food- and beverages processing.
By liquids, gasses and air from plasma reactors the generated plasmatic magnetic fields (which are in principle different from traditional electro-magnetic fields can be used – in direct or indirect – in a controlled way to treat various illnesses and to alter body conditions, like the enforcing or reduction of energies, influence blood-pressure, diabetics, sugar level, enhance the reproduction of cells, increase or reduce the working of blood-vessels and lymph’s, reduction of weight and burning of fats, destruction of germs, bacteria, viruses. treatments against allergies, irritation, epilepsy, nerve cuts, hear lost, phantom pain, impotence, indigestion, cholesterol, blood clusters, MS, Alzheimer, immune insufficiency, insomnia, rejuvenation, disintegrate tissue, etc. The functioning of organs (liver control, lungs, stones), glands and of the gasto-vasculair system, the sympathetic and para-sympathetic system and the neurological system, and have an effect on related mental and psychological behavior. Also the local and general anesthetics, and the sedation of a coma state can be reached through adding or reducing the energy states in the body through interference with the neurological and brain system. An other aspect is to stepwise build up matters, like vitamins, strong antibiotics and anti-bodies.
An important aspect of the treatment of living creatures is the treatment by combinations of plasmatic magnetic fields. Therefore medical plasma reactors will –preferable – contain a broader, but specific mixture of materials where their atomic and molecular interactions lead to a spectrum of plasmatic magnetic fields needed to provoke, alter or change the targeted parts or processes in the body, and/or to change conditions to start the preferred self-reproducing processes in the body. That can be reached in several ways. By changing the positions between reactors a large number of different types we can have a broad spectrum of preferred plasmatic magnetic field radiation.
We claim the method of medical and food-processing applications of plasma reactors where a single plasma reactor (11E) or a set of plasma reactors (11A, 11B, 11C, 11D, 11F, 36, 45, 11, 24) is placed in a framework (12, 20), container (70) or holding means (i.e. a chair 30, a machine, a device 50, etc.), where the functioning of said reactor(s) is based on the method to produce plasmatic magnetic fields – which are in majority based on protonic interaction – within a reactor, which comprises of:
- sustainable container wall means;
- at least one chamber that can be sealed;
- sealing means for the closing of said chamber, and which contains
- materials from which at least one sub-quantity being radioactive and/or being able to be transformed in a radioactive isotope during the internal process;
- said materials from which at least one sub-quantity being an inert gas and/or being able to be transformed in an inert gas or in inert gas vapor during the internal process;
- said materials from which at least one sub-quantity being a atomic or molecular metallic material and/or being able to be transformed in a atomic or molecular metallic material, in metallic gas or in metallic vapor during the internal process;
- said materials from which at least one sub-quantity is hydrogen and/or being able to be transformed in a atomic or molecular hydrogen, during the internal process, and
where upon the sealing of said chamber said materials start a controllable interaction process – called the initial dynamic process – of repositioning the plasmatic magnetic energy fields of the introduced elements, where a number of the dynamic actions between them lead to the creation of new plasmatic magnetic energy fields, like in atomic, plasmatic and molecular level, where the interaction between at least two of them simultaneously lead to the fragmentation of existing plasmatic energy fields, leading to creation and sustaining of internal current(s) and motion, and to radiation of a part of said plasmatic magnetic energy fields through said walls to the surrounding.
The content of the inserted materials (37, 38, 39, 67) is chosen in function of a specific outcome (i.e. the healing of a sickness, decontamination) and the characteristics of the targeted bodies, where said reactor(s) is positioned in the surrounding of one or more bodies (i.e. the body of a living creature 10, like a human, an animal, a plant 71, or of products of the food-chain, like a glass or bottle of water, containers of drinks, cup of soup, meals), or in direct outer (44) and/or inner (17, 46) contact with said bodies, where the plasmatic magnetic fields (PMF’s)(18, 47) generated by the plasma reactor(s)(11A, 45), add or change in a preferred way the specific entangle plasmatic magnetic fields (SEPMAF’s, i.e. cells 48, DNA, RNA, Genes, viruses, hormones, minerals, vitamins) of or in said bodies. As explained above all ‘matter’ and thus also all bodies of living creatures are SEPMAF’s. And specific SEPMAF’s can be changed, altered, re-structured, repositioned by other plasmatic magnetic fields.
The outcome of processing bodies and food/beverages can be:
- Elimination, neutralization, absorption or transformation of undesired energies of said SEPMAF’s,
- Transforming energies of SEPMAF’s in other SEPMAF’s,
- Creation of preferred conditions to activate a chain of growth and/or decay of SEPMAF’s,
- Adding other type of elements of the periodic table to the said bodies,
- Optimize the energies of said SEPMAF’s,
- Retune said SEPMAF’s to their original composition, balance or state, (i.e. brain cells, ear cells, nerve cells, etc.).
An important aspect is the possibility to trigger or start self-generating or self-sustaining processes in bodies.
This process(es) can be used in conjunction with other withdraw methods of the bodies – like sodium, potassium or calcium – by any means like enhancement, triggering, rejecting, injection or false triggering of the body mechanism(s) or traditional medical treatments (i.e. chemo-therapy). Of course plasma reactors of different type and size can be implanted in bodies.
The framework, container or holding means can be closed or sealed. This is preferable for all devices in direct contact with patients, or reactors used without medical control.
A large framework, container or holding means, like machines and devices, can have opening means (25), to replace one or more plasma reactors by other plasma reactors, or to remove or add one or more plasma reactors. Position change of reactors is also possible this way.
The framework, container or holding means can be equipped with mechanical and/or electronic means (72), i.e. to inform the user of a possible schedule, the duration of a treatment, sensoring evolutions and conditions, etc.);
The claimed framework, container (Fig. 5) or holding means, can contains means (i.e. opening 53, channels 54), to pass a liquid (52)(like water, milk, serum) or gaseous (51) medium (like air) through at least one area in which plasmatic magnetic fields generated by the plasma reactor(s) are present, that way changing in a preferred way the specific entangle plasmatic magnetic fields of said medium (51, 52), where this altered medium is then brought in contact (i.e. inhalated 56, drunk 57, 58, injected) with abovementioned bodies, where to such system mechanical (i.e. a pump 59 ) or electronic means (i.e. a timer, a switch, a regulator 75) can be added. Figure 5 shows in essence an inhalation device through which inhalated air travels through a channel system by which the plasmatic magnetic composition of the air is altered, but not its chemical composition. The system can be equipped for security reasons with extra protection walls (55) to avoid any direct physical contact between the medium and the reactors. This inhalation device can become an air-treatment machine when a pumping system (59) is added to treat high volumes, like for in hospitals against the Legionella bacteria, in airplanes and public transport against polluted or bacterial air, air-co systems, etc. A similar concept can be used to treat water, collected blood or other liquids. This system can also be used as a dialysis machine to purify the blood.
The framework, container or holding means can be constructed in such a way that plasmatic magnetic fields of the system can be varied by electronic, mechanical means, by motion (68, 100B, 101B) or by materials, or by alteration of variations of materials within the confinement of the reactor, like a set of spherical plasma reactors (64) – with identical and/or different internal materials – which can roll over each other when the total system is moved and then will change position inside the holding structure (60) that way making a different number of combinations (66) of plasmatic magnetic fields. Such system can contain fixed plasma reactors (63) in a special outer side and/or inside holding structure (62) and have moving plasma reactors (64) in at least one inner space that makes it possible that their inner plasma reactors change position. Figure 6 shows a system with fixed inner plasma reactors and loosen plasma reactors in the outer space (61). Like in all plasma reactors used for medical application magnets (69) may be inserted. These magnets may be inserted in spherical frames. A master holder may contain hundreds of smaller holders (60). Figure 10 shows a set of plasma reactors (100A, 101A and 102) where reactors can glide to create the ideal combination of plasmatic magnetic fields. Reactors can have shapes (103) which provoke a change in intensity.
The claimed framework, container or holding means, can have mechanical motions (21) means, (i.e. similar to a MNR-scanner – Fig.2 – , a body-sauna, etc.) or static means (15, 16), where the body of a person (10), animal or plant, or product(s) (i.e. meals, bottles, etc.) is fully or partly positioned in a hollow (tubular) system (15, 16, 20), where in the embodiment of said system one or more preferred reactors (24) can be placed by hand or mechanically in preferred position(s) (i.e. location, distance) in function of the specific characteristics of said body (10) and the preferred outcome (i.e. combination 66, intensity, area, duration, different timing for reactors) of plasmatic magnetic fields (18) radiation on said body generated by said plasma reactors. Figure 1 shows two tubes (15, 16) with inside plasma reactors (11F). One tube is around an arm and the other around a leg. Such tubes can be static or dynamic with opening/closing means. This type of plasma reactor(s) tube can interesting to start the initial treatment of bone illnesses.
We claim the method where the framework, container or holding means with at least one reactor, is/are embedded in a surrounding or outer container (93), holding or covering means (i.e. a gel, calcium layer 90) which contains shielding plasmatic magnetic fields which neutralize, reduce or absorb the radiated plasmatic magnetic fields of the inner system where said outer means can be temporally or permanently removed by mechanical and/or electronic (i.e. timer) means, or removed by natural way (i.e. dilution), where this approach can be used for inner body treatment (i.e. by an inserted tube system, by capsules, etc.). For example the plasma reactor (91) shown in figure 9 can be embedded in a sealed plastic (92) or metal capsule which is covered by a calcium layer (92) which dissolves after arriving in the intestines. When the calcium layer is dissolved the plasmatic magnetic fields (94) can treat in full the intestines during its way to the rectum. The basic plasma reactors can be covered by atomic layers of carbon atoms or their combination with other elements of the periodic table. One possibility of such extra cover is at least one layer with graphene. Such layer may alter the electrical conductivity of the local tissue. This outer container (110), which can be a medical instrument, from which one part is remotely (114) removed or opened to make the release possible of the inner part – one or more plasma reactors (111) – in the preferred position inside a body, where the inner part can have connection means (i.e. a clamp, a spiral 112, a drill, a clip 113, a coil, a glue tape, a pin, a needle, etc.) to connect the inner part to the body tissue (115). Plasma reactors always can be equipped with such connecting systems, f.e. with touch fasteners or special openings for other connection systems. Connection means can be incorporated in the outside walls of the holder.
We claim also the method to use the radiation of plasmatic magnetic fields to enhance in a preferred way the energies of SEPMAF’s of bodies to start a self-reproducing process of preferred matters (i.e. nerves, muscles, hormones, proteins), where such enhanced energies can be captured by resonant imaging systems. This approach is different from high magnetic field systems like MNR’s with high tesla fields.
We claim also the method of treating bodies of living creatures by first providing them with triggering material(s), like the intake of specific minerals, vitamins, elements of the periodic table, and/or covering the outside of said bodies partly or fully by a specific emulsion (i.e. a spray, paste, substance, liquid, coating, tincture, etc.), and then as a second step, treat them by plasmatic magnetic fields generated by plasma reactors. By this approach the body is prepared in advance – outside and/or inside – by basic elements which may be not available in sufficient quantity in the targeted body. Therefore additional elements are added to meet the basic conditions to have a successful treatment. These triggering materials will or may be absorbed by the skin and transported to the inside parts of the body.
We claim also the method of diagnosis and treating bodies of living creatures by first expose them by specific plasmatic magnetic fields generated by plasma reactors, as described in claim 1, to trigger reactions of the body to diagnose the illness and/or the location of affected areas, then in a second step providing them with triggering material(s), like the intake of specific minerals, vitamins, elements of the periodic table, and/or covering the outside of said bodies partly or fully by a specific emulsion (i.e. a spray, paste, substance, liquid, coating, tincture, etc.), and, treat them by plasmatic magnetic fields generated by plasma reactors. Thus a first set of treatments with plasma reactors can have the goal to trigger effects of the body, where this will give indications of the characterizes of the illness, reaction time, spread and location(s), and reaction on certain PME field radiation. In a second phase adapted plasma reactor – and combinations of them – can be used in the real treatment.
We also claim the method where the framework, container or holding means, as described in claim 1, are embedded in or carried by a surrounding or outer container, holding or covering means like cloths (40), breast holders, corsets, socks, panties, heads (41), ties, gloves (42), shoes (43), belts, jewels, spectacles, seats (30), table, fork/knives, walls (12), works of art, pottery, bottles, tubes, patches (44), badges, fans, circulation systems, filter systems, valves, taps (57), special room, ear-covers (49) or plugs, etc. Such means will be used to facilitate the treatment. A treatment can be quasi constant on certain, targeted, spots. It is possible to use in this approach less strong plasma reactors or plasma reactors with a broad spectrum, to create a general preventive treatment. This treatment may also support or be combined with one or more “intensive” treatments with stronger plasma reactors.
We claim framework, container or holding means which have an ergonomic shape to fit around a part of the body – in different sizes (like the size of shoes) – or inside a body openings, like insert systems (i.e. ear plugs, rectum devices, tooth fillings, nose plugs, etc.). Strong plasma reactors may be used, for example to the treat of deafness or prostate cancer. An important market may be the dental market where plasma reactors are used as tooth insert plugs to protect against carries and inflammations, and enhance the general health welfare. Plasma reactors can also be building in false tooth’s.
We claim also a framework, container or holding means which have all protective conditions (i.e. inert outer material) to be used as implantates in a human or animal body, inserted by surgery or by other known methods. Such implantates can be positioned in the brain, near the heart, near or in the liver, near the lymphatic systems, etc. Such plasma reactors may also be a sub-part of other artificial replacements, like an artificial hip.
Another method we claim is to create – in a framework, container or holding means (Fig. 7, 70), by the generation of plasmatic magnetic fields by plasma reactors (73, 74) the optimal basic genetic structure in plants (71), animals or humans, by eliminating or by reducing one, several or all exogenous interfering elements from the DNA, RNA and/or genes structure, that way targeting the raising or breeding of better, stronger, more resistant and/or larger plants, animals and humans, and the knowledge of their optimal genetic composition or DNA sequences (genome), where every pure protein sequence of the DNA and/or RNA can be reproduced or replicated on demand, finally resulting in the reproduction of the preferred characteristics in races. By the growth of living creatures in pure plasmatic magnetic field conditions all cells can retune to or grow after their natural DNA/RNA-structure(s). This means that – in example – stem cells can start their development in a pure clear and clean state, so they can gain their optimal way of natural growth because all the surrounding or environmental conditions are met to have the essential elements available. This means that the growth of a certain type of race will happen without interfering or obstructive factors. This will lead – after a short number of generations – to the optimal natural DNA/RNA in species. Thus it will be possible to retune humans and animals, and plants, from inherited DNA/RNA failures to the basic pure state. Sporters and athletes can be interested in this approach.
Next we claim the method to use plasma reactors to change the physiological operation and characteristics of organs, in the body or outside (donor, during operation), to reset them to their original condition, or to open blockages, or to dilute matter (stones, dust, polyps, cancer cells, ) or reduce/eliminate inflammations.
Finally we claim the business model to offer and sell in public shops, sports centers, medical care centers and/or hospitals drinks, food and/or air, or other products which is/are treated by plasmatic magnetic fields generated by plasma reactors, or means (like cloths, etc. mentioned above), which contain plasma reactors. To reach a more general health welfare a number of “health” products may be offered to the general public, such as special drinks, special food and other health products (like skin paste, hear products, sports drinks, etc.);
Short description of the figures.
Figure 1 shows a person which stand next to the wall of a room or next to a framework contains different reactors, each radiating other type of plasmatic magnetic fields. The patient wears on his leg and arm removable reactors for local treatments.
Figure 2 shows a patient in a hollow structure. In the structure a number of different plasma reactors are positioned in preferred spots.
Figure 3 shows a person in a chair in which several reactors can be positioned.
Figure 4 shows a persons with cloths in which reactors are build or can be inserted to be positioned on the correct spots on the body.
Figure 5 shows a device to inhalate air or a gas, or to pass a liquid like water or serum. In the channels reactors are mounted under protective means (55). This system can be changed to a machine when i.e. a pump is added for high debit. Such system can be a dialysis machine.
Figure 6 shows a spherical plasma reactor which contains a number of smaller reactors. When the reactor rolls loosen inside mini-reactor change position. In area 66 is shown a number of PM field combinations.
Figure 7 shows a set-up to grow plants for industrial production or to create optimized or new genetic variations of plants. Various type of different plasma reactors are in the confinement or in the surrounding. Plasma from outer sources can also be introduced.
Figure 8 shows in top view a person (80) standing in two sets (81) of plasma reactors. This offers the possibility to have in the middles areas specific combinations of fields.
Figure 9 shows first a plasma reactor which has a dilutable protective shield. In the second step the protective cover is partly diluted in the body and the plasmatic magnetic fields can go outside the reactor.
Figure 10 shows a set of two gliding reactors (100A and 101A) where the middle one can glide over the fixed tubular reactor (102). Such dynamic system makes it possible to reach the ideal combination of fields.
Figure 11 is an example of a medical instrument to place and fix a plasma reactor in a body tissue through a body opening.