Blueprint Mini MaGravS wireless online in English

The Scientific Association Plasma Romania offers the opportunity to all the knowledge seekers who understand english to participate at the „Blueprint Mini MaGravS wireless” public presentation live on Zoom, where there will be made available the methods of making the new wireless Mini Magravs unit. This will take place on Saturday, the 8th  Junly 2023, between 18.00 and 21.00 CET.

This presentation represents an activity within the „Universal Plasma Fest 2023” which takes place simultaneously all over the planet between June 21 and December 21, 2023.

The donation from the heart for the access to the presentation is 100 Euros/pers. without needing other agreements or conditions.
Registration can be done at the e-mail address: with the subject „English”.

The topics of the „Blueprint Mini MaGravS wireless” presentation are:

֍ Methods of making nanomaterials;
֍ Production of the GA.N.S.;
֍ Wireless Mini MaGravS Manual;

The plasma interactions of the Mini MaGravS wireless units are recommended to be studied in the research projects of the following fields: Health, Food, Agriculture, Environment, Transport and Energy.

The beneficial effects encountered at the national and international level were publicly presented by the knowledge seekers in the first 6 months of 2023:
֍ Emotional-spiritual balancing of the family members;
֍ Reduction of the kilowatt consumption in the electricity distribution network;
֍ Reduction of the consumption in the natural gas distribution network;
֍ Balancing the the interior atmosphere inside the house;
֍ Improving the quality of the water from the public distribution network;
֍ Improving the battery parameters for fully electric, hybrid cars and houses with solar panels;
֍ Beneficial effects on the growth of the plants in the house, garden or greenhouse;
֍ Beneficial effects on the domestic animals;
֍ The transmutation of the electromagnetic radiation into plasma fields inside the houses;
֍ Reducing the stress of the driver or of the passengers;
֍ Reducing the effect of the fatigue during driving;
֍ Increased attention while driving;
֍ Reduction of the consumption for diesel, petrol/hybrid and LPG gas cars;
֍ Improving the battery parameters for hybrid cars;
֍ Reduction of the electromagnetic radiation fields of the batteries in the hybrid cars;
֍ Improvement of the electrical system in the cars;

The Mini MaGravS wireless unit is a receiver of the plasma fields that come from the Magravs Independent Wireless Generator Antenna, which has a global coverage.

We mention that the Mini MaGravS wireless unit and the MaGravS Antenna device independent wireless generator are internationally patented by the members of the Scientific Association Plasma Romania. They are offered to the mankind to be study in the education-research-development-innovation activities all over the planet.

Many thanks to the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute for the knowledge offered to mankind.

We thank you with love,
Scientific Association Plasma Romania.

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